Springtime Flaxseed Recipes from Nutrition Experts

We recently hosted a flaxseed recipe contest among our dietitian community.

Registered dietitians are health and nutrition experts so you can be sure the recipes below are healthier choices.

Find ways to use milled flaxseed in everything from sweets to snacks and even the main meal below!

Baking with Flax

Dark Chocolate Espresso Banana Bread – Leanne Ray, MS, RDN

Heart Healthy Banana Bread with Flax & Walnuts – Chelsea Jackle, RD

photo by Chelsea Jackle

Strawberry Rhubarb Flax Muffins – Leah Swanson, RD

how to bake with flaxseed
photo by Leah Swanson


Frozen Strawberry Snack Bites – Lauren Manaker, RD

Fruit Smoothie – Janel Ziegler, RD


Granola Fruit Pizza – Brittany Poulson, RD

photo by Brittany Poulson

The Main Meal

Flaxseed, Quinoa, & White Bean Burgers with Pesto – Jessica Ivey, RD

photo by Jessica Ivey